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#CelebrateOstomy on World Ostomy Day!
World Ostomy Day is celebrated every 3 years and this year industry and Ostomates worldwide will be supporting the campaign on 6th October. Its purpose is to raise awareness for people living with a stoma to improve their quality of life.
The theme this year is ‘Speaking out changes lives’, which promotes the idea that having an open conversation about life with a stoma and educating those without one, will improve the rehabilitation and lives of Ostomates.
In order to celebrate World Ostomy Day, we created a campaign calling out to all Ostomates to send in a video of themselves talking about life with a stoma. With #CelebrateOstomy, we encouraged people to share their words of advice and experiences of having of having a stoma.
The overwhelming response was ‘If I didn’t have a stoma, I wouldn’t be here’. This powerful message underlines the huge impact a stoma has, because it is quite often a life-saving operation.
With the video responses we received, we created a video montage, which features people living with a stoma, embracing life and being active.
We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who joined the #CelebrateOstomy campaign and featured in our video. Your words of positivity and motivation are an inspiration to others.
One of our favourites quotes by a truly admirable Ostomate, Bryce, said:
“When a bad thing happens to you, you have three choices –
You let it define you
You let it destroy you
Or you let it strengthen you.”
On that note, Happy World Ostomy Day, and please remember to speak out!