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Fundraising for Children with Cancer UK
At Salts Healthcare, a total of £12,559 was raised by employees during 2020 and 2021. Our chosen charity to receive this amount was Children with Cancer UK, and a cheque was presented to representative Eloise Heap recently by Robert Salt, Managing Director.
Employees raised this total through regular sales of samosas, cakes and personal achievements such as taking part in marathons, half marathons and lengthy walks. To have still managed to raise this amount of money during the Pandemic is a fantastic achievement. One of those who raised money individually is Warren Thomas, Group Leader in Production, who takes part in marathon racing regularly in aid of charities. One of those charities closest to his heart is Children with Cancer UK and it was indeed Warren who introduced Salts Healthcare to this fantastic charity.
Children with Cancer UK raises money to invest in valuable research into childhood and young adult cancers, as well as supporting families of children living with cancer. To find out more, please visit the website: https://www.childrenwithcancer.org.uk/
On accepting the cheque, Eloise said “we would like to thank everyone at Salts Healthcare sincerely for this fabulous amount of money raised for Children with Cancer UK. Every penny goes to help children living with cancer and essential research into future therapies.”