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Natalie Gardner – Can’t wait to match her bag to more outfits
After constant leaks with her previous bags, the arrival of Confidence BE® gave 31-year-old blogger, Natalie Gardner, something to write home about.
Natalie started having bowel problems at the age of just 8 and by 26 she was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. In April 2016, she received the news she would need a right hemicolectomy to remove the latter part of her small intestine and beginning of large intestine.
“It was actually my 30th birthday when they told me I needed an ileostomy. I had my surgery a couple of days later. It all happened pretty fast, but I’d been a member of some support groups for about six months and I knew people were managing fine, so it didn’t scare me as much”.
Natalie returned home within a couple of weeks where she was nursed by her Mum. Her stoma started to work quite quickly and, despite a small infection which set her back briefly, everything was fine. Until she started experiencing leaks.
“When I got out of hospital I ordered a different bag to the one the Stoma Nurse gave me, but I had no end of problems with it. Being new, I didn’t know if it was just me, but when I met my partner he told me it wasn’t normal, because he has a stoma as well, and he suggested I try his bags”.
These were Salts’ bags and Natalie was so pleased with their performance that she never looked back. She started blogging, which is when she heard about new Confidence BE®.
“I follow a lot of stoma companies and #GetYourBellyOut were posting pictures of the Confidence BE® bags. I tried one of my boyfriend’s samples and just switched straight away because they were just as good as my old ones, but with the added advantage of different materials and colours.”
A busy mum-of-two who loves to travel, cook, watch movies and spend time with family, Natalie says having the different colours to choose from has made the biggest difference to her life.
“When I first left hospital I literally went through my wardrobe and chucked all my jeans out because I thought, ‘I’m never going to be able to wear that again’. I thought I’d be stuck in leggings and long tops for the rest of my life. With Confidence BE®, I can wear black jeans, because you can’t see the black bag against it. Nobody really notices it’s there”.
Natalie shares details about her health, lifestyle and parenting, as well as giving good or bad reviews of new products in her blog, ‘thespooniemummy’.
“Overall, I am super happy with this new bag. I love the Salts’ bag I currently use and this is definitely a step up for them. I can’t wait to get my next delivery now and start coordinating my bag with my outfits!”
If you’d like to try Confidence BE® for yourself, order a FREE sample today and let us know how you get on by saying hello@salts.co.uk.