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Tammy's Sky Dive!
Tammy Mann, Customer Care Co-ordinator at our Medilink Plymouth office, has raised a fantastic £1200 by throwing herself out of a plane at 15,000ft – all in the name of raising money for charity! We are extremely proud to support Tammy with a Company donation towards her fundraising, which has been donated to Crohn’s & Colitis UK.
Tammy suffers from Crohn’s disease, and since her diagnosis at 19 she’s had a series of operations, various medications and 3 ileostomies, which culminated in a permanent ileostomy being created during emergency surgery in 2011 when the remaining part of her large bowel was removed.
This year Tammy and her fiancée Darren decided they would like to raise money for Crohn’s & Colitis UK and decided to do a sky dive. On Saturday 17th September they both jumped out of a plane, which Tammy described as: “Absolutely amazing: the best experience I’ve ever had!”
Well done Tammy and Darren for your fantastic achievement and money raised for charity.