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Confidence BE® #BEyourselfie: Tom

Tom works in retail, spends time with friends and has recently gotten back into fitness. He explains how Confidence BE® helps him to socialise.

#ShareYourStory: Hannah

After being ill with Ulcerative Colitis for 12 years, Hannah's stoma gave her a new lease of life. She has achieved more since the surgery than ever before, including another child and new career.

#MyConfidenceBE: Amber's Story

As part of our #MyConfidenceBE campaign, we are sharing the stories of many ostomates. Read more about Amber's experiences, opportunities and achievements since having her ileostomy.

#ShareYourStory: Deborah

Deborah has an ileostomy after battling both Bowel Cancer and Lynch Syndrome. After being introduced to Confidence BE®, life is now much easier and she has much more confidence.

#ShareYourStory: Tammy

Tammy has an ileostomy after suffering for 21 years with both Crohn's and Colitis. Using Confidence BE Soft Convex has given her the peace of mind to return to work as a fitness coach.

#ShareYourStory: Jessica

Jessica is just 5 years old and has a colostomy. She has stayed incredibly strong throughout her stoma journey to help other children going through the same.

#ShareYourStory: Bob

Bob is aged 55 and has a colostomy as a result of ongoing complications and surgery. He has now accepted his stoma and has since, built his confidence back up.

#ShareYourStory: Ashton

Ashton is just 9 years old and has a stoma as a result of complications with a burst appendix and a perforated bowel. Find out about how positive he had remained with this life-changing event.

#ShareYourStory: Peter

Peter, 76, had suffered with Gardner’s Syndrome (also known as Familial Adenomatous Polyposis or FAP) and now has an Ileostomy.

#ShareYourStory: Oliver

Oliver Kaye is just 16 years old and has an ileostomy as a result of his Ulcerative Colitis. He shares his story and explains his experience after surgery. He also offers some inspiring words of advice.

Ian Walker - 10k a Day

Ian Walker, a man from Worcester, is raising money for two charities close to his heart, Purple Wings Charity and Worcester Street Café, as he takes on the challenge of running 10k a day throughout August.

#ShareYourStory: Sarah

Sarah, 34, has an Ileostomy. This came a while after being diagnosed with severe Ulcerative Colitis and being hospitalised, and she was 6 weeks pregnant at the time. 3 months after Sarah’s stoma surgery, she was doing workouts, indoor cycling & yoga.

#ShareYourStory: Millie

Millie is 24 and has an ileostomy after suffering with Ulcerative Colitis. Waking up from surgery brought worry for Millie but she has became more comfortable with wearing particular clothes again.

I love working at Salts Healthcare because...

In a recent Annual Review, we wanted to take a dive into why our employees love working at Salts Healthcare. The feedback is invaluable and we thought it would nice to share some of their reasons with you.


Our partners and accreditations

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  • BSF logo
  • SHA logo
  • Disability Confident Committed
  • BHTA logo
  • UTA logo
  • SGS logo

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