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My Confidence BE® Story: Tim
My story
I’m proud to come from the West Country.
My journey started in 1999 when I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis which, thankfully, was kept under control through medication and diet changes. This was until 2019 when I became really, really ill.
Due to retaining water in my feet, ankles, and hands, I had to be drained and had a catheter put in place.
I then had to have an emergency colonoscopy where they found I had a tumour inside my back passage. From then on, everything and everyone hit the ground running.
CT scans, MRIs, the whole lot.
This led to the professionals not knowing if the cancer could be treated or I just wait until the inevitable.
Fortunately, two surgeons from my local hospital got hold of my file and said they thought they could help me via performing a TPE (total pelvic exenteration). Basically, this means removing everything within the pelvic cavity.
I was operated on in August 2019. They removed my large bowel, bladder, prostate gland, rectum, anus, and put in two stomas – a urostomy and an ileostomy.
My recovery
Going into surgery was a real battle for me.
If the operation wasn’t a success or the cancer was bigger and deeper than they thought, the professionals reckoned I wouldn’t be around for Christmas. If I woke without a big scar and two stomas, I had to prepare for the worst.
Running my hand down my stomach and feeling everything… well, I had to smile. There was hope. My surgery was going to give me life.
Everything did take some adjusting. People asked me about being a ‘double bagger’, but I don’t think having two stomas is any trickier than having one. Yes, they do different things, but they do a job. You have to remember my mind set; I had just survived massive surgery, so it was going to take time. I had much more time than I thought I may have, so for me I was in a good place.
My emotional journey
I’m in a club that I didn’t sign up for, but my membership enables me to spend more time with my wife and my grandchildren. It’s been a journey. I was told before the operation that I may not live more than four months. Emotionally, I am now just thankful I am around; I am still here. It’s quite simple really.
There was a before and after, a potential bad outcome and a good one. I’ve been in a good place since the operation because I’m still here. Lifesaving, eye-opening, and a future for me; that’s how I’d sum up my emotional journey.
My everyday life
My stomas don’t restrict me.
I still drive a car, ride a push bike, walk three-to-four miles a day, I can still go on holidays, I can swim in the sea.
Life is good for me; I just take two stomas along with me.
Anybody who knows me talks about my one-liners. Here’s one, “when the sun is out, my bag is out”. Both bags are discreet underneath my clothing, but I don’t care about taking my top off. These bags allow me to enjoy my life outside, under the sun.
My connection with Confidence BE®
Confidence BE® was the first I used. I’ve used it for four years, it was the bag I left hospital with, and I am completely happy with it because it gives me everything I need. It is compatible with my skin type; I’ve had no issues.
On the urostomy side, I had tried different bags but when Confidence BE® came along, I was eager and very keen to try it. I knew straight out of the box it was all going to be fine, and I was again impressed with Confidence BE® urostomy just like my ileostomy bag.
It ticked every box. I had the same comfort, smoothness against my skin, and a lack of a rustle against my clothes. It was easy to empty, secure, move the tap, and it was just as easy to manage.
I’m a retired mechanic, a practical kind of guy. I like looking at things, how they are made, understanding why things work well. I like the Confidence BE® urostomy system including the night drainage bag which is also brilliantly designed. I can’t see how it can be improved; there has been so much attention to detail and the quality materials used to put together. This gives me confidence in its operation and I know it won’t let me down.
If Confidence BE® was a car it would be my pride and joy Mitsubishi Evo. Basically because it’s something I trust, something I rely upon, and it means so much to me.
I have to say thank you to all the people who have put so much work into creating Confidence BE® urostomy. It really is a brilliant design, and it works so well for me twice.
Please find a link to see Tim's full video interview below: