We have created some helpful stoma advice brochures in several languages, which will help you in preparation for life with a stoma

Salts Export
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Austria (AUT)
Allomed Medizintechnik Gmbh
Ludwig-Poihs-Strasse 10,
2320 Schwechat
Bulgaria (BGR)
KA-M Medical Ltd
Louis Eyer Str no 79B,
1404 Sofia,

Cyprus (CYP)
S. Stylianou Medisupplies Ltd.
P.O. Box 56450, CY – 3306, Limassol, CYPRUS
Czech Republic (CZE)
Sabrix S.R.O
Lázeňská 1096, 252 42 Jesenice

Denmark (DNK)
Kirstine Hardam A/S
Mabjerg Skolevej 48,
DK-7500 Holstebro, DENMARK

Ireland (IRL)
Salts Healthcare Ireland
Unit 6, Block C, Centrepoint Business Park,
Oak Drive, Clondalkin, Dublin 12,
Lithuania (LTU)
Eletis Medica Ltd
Sukileli pr. 61, LT-49333, Kaunas, LIETUVA

Malta (MLT)
E. J. Busuttil Ltd
Niche Flats, Triq ix-Xorrox,
B’Kara, BKR 1633, MALTA
Netherlands (NLD)
Salts NL
Komkleiland 9, 6666 ME, Heteren, Nederland
Postbus 24, 6666 ZG, Heteren, Nederland

Norway (NOR)
Salts Healthcare Limited
Dokkeskjærskaien 1,
5006 Bergen,
Poland (POL)
Med4Me Sp. z o.o.
ul.Tytusa Chałubińskiego 8,
00-613 Warszawa,

Slovakia (SVK)
Versium, S.R.O
Gagarinova 5B SK-82101 Bratislava Slovakia

Slovenia (SVN)
Inn D.O.O.
Lava 7, 3000 Celje- SLOVENIA
Sweden (SWE)
M Care
Nöbbelövsvagen 100, 226 60 Lund, SWEDEN

Switzerland (CHE)
Morani Medical AG
Morani Medical AG,
Unterrohrstrasse 3,
8952 Schlieren.
International Sales Team
Rob Simons
Head of UK and International Sales
Mobile: +44 (0)7760172117
Email: rob.simons@salts.co.uk
Matthew Crabb
International Market Development Manager
Mobile: +44 (0)7584500049
Email: matthew.crabb@salts.co.uk
Oliver Eagle
International Commercial Development Manager
Mobile: +44 (0)7768024376
Email: oliver.eagle@salts.co.uk